In the previous posts on this topic I gave you already six guiding principles to help you achieving your New Years Resolutions for 2014.
- Make sure that it's your resolution and not someone else's.
- Formulate it in a positive way, so avoid negative words.
- Make sure that your resolution meets your personal standards and common sense.
- Create a support group for your resolution.
- Write your resolution down and read it repeatedly.
- Achieve one resolution at the time.
Browse back to the older posts on this topic to read more.
Today we'll conclude this series of post on "achieving your new years resolution".
Plot a plan and implement:

Imagine how it is to have achieved your resolution already:
Make this picture so clear and positive as possible. Describe it to someone else. When you want to lose weight see yourself already having the size you're aiming for. If you want to stop smoking see yourself already taking the stairs without gasping for breath. Feel how it would feel and go back to these thoughts at least once a day.
And last but not least: Keep going...
If it was easy you would have done it already. Your mind will try to persuade you to stop, but don't listen to that voice in your head...remember why you wanted to achieve it ... picture yourself already achieving it... read your resolution again and keep going!
I wish you all the best for the New Year, dream bold, dream big and take large bites out of life in 2014...
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD