Why does it seem that some people are tested more in life than others? To me that's one of the big life questions, maybe too big for me to answer in a blog post, but I can at least try to give you some perspective.
I believe that we all get tested in life and it is through these tests that we'll shape our characters, find our courage and ultimately fulfill our destiny. It will help you to accept this as a universal truth. People having a hard time to accept this fight more with their tests instead of making them.
Life tests are like school tests if you fight them you have a hard time to pass them; if you undergo them without perpetration you'll find yourself getting an F as well; but if you embrace them, prepare for them and even seek them out, tests will become stepping stones of your life.
Seeking out tests will not only help you to understand your limits but it will push them as well. It is like a muscle, it only gets stronger if you train it. This is true for any skill you want to develop, both physical and mental.
There is perhaps one difference with school tests and tests in life. In school a lesson get taught before a test, in life the test is often the lesson you have to learn.
The above might not give us an answer to the question I started today's post with, but hopefully it will give you a good starting point to cope differently with your tests in life.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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