Last week I touched based with a good friend I haven't heard from for a long time. When he wrote me back he said, what a nice coincidence the title of your last blog is also the same ast the title of my last book. I replied back to him half jokingly, that coincidences doesn't exist.
This is what he replied:
Of course it exists! We just saw it.

An aspect of the power of words is to use them according to their true meaning. The English words "coincidence" stems from the Latin word "coincidere" meaning "exact agreement", "exact correspondence". To go deeper, the analysis of the word is: "co" for "together", "in" for "into", and "cadre" for "falling"; so in a "coincidence" two (or more) events fall together.
And this is precisely what we experienced.
Only the true meaning of the words, as defined by their origins in old languages that don't change any more, gives a meaning beyond space and time.
I love the reply of my friend.
If people say: "Coincidence doesn't exist", they normally mean: "it was meant to be". So next time if we want to express that. We better say: "that was a nice coincidence".
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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