I love people who love to learn. Some might say life is all about learning or one could even say life equates learning. Learning will change us and change is growth.
Is learning alone enough? At times I was so in love with learning that I forgot to apply the things I have learned. In other words, I didn't put my learning into practical use. Knowledge because of knowledge is not per se wrong, but we miss something profound if we never bring what we have learned into practice. Applying what we have learned will deepen and anker it.

The same can be said for thinking. We all know some people who act without thinking, I for one am guilty of that myself quite often. But I consider the opposite, thinking without acting, as even more problematic. The latter will end up in analysis paralysis, a state of overthinking so that an action is never taken. This comes often from wanting to be perfect and / or the fear of making the wrong decisions. Well the truth is that if you don't take any action or a decision someone else might take it for you... So as learning need to be applied so need thinking to be put into action.
Yes, of course you should do some thinking before you act, but try not to overthink things, take action and come into motion. I always say it's easier to change the course of a moving object than change the direction of
something that stands still.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire."
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