Fear lives in our mind as an emotion and not in real life. Fear is always about something that possible could happen in the future, but without a certainty that it will happen. In a good way fear is a survival mechanism in response to stimuli that threatens our health, safety, status or anything held valuable (tangible or non-tangible). Fear is felt about something realistically intimidating or dangerous and is an appropriate response to a perceived threat.

However when fear becomes anxiety it can lead to overreaction and panic. When fear and anxiety start to cause that situations are avoided they eventually stop any progression or change. One could say that anxiety is the irrational fear for common things necessary to progress in life: like school tests, meeting people, travel etc. Most anxieties can be generalized as the fear for change or the fear for something new or unknown.
The best way to overcome fear is not to avoid fearsome situations but to look them in the face. If you do that you will find that everything you want is on the other side of fear.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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