Saturday, November 23, 2013

There is power in being discontent


There is power in being discontent. Yes, you read this correctly I said there is power in being discontent. You might wonder...isn't he always talking and writing about being positive? Sure I am, in fact yesterday's post was all about being positive, but despite that,  I say today there is power in being discontent.

If you are in a situation you don't like and you are so deeply discontent with it that you want to scream, 'No more!', 'I can't take it!', then you have tapped into something very empowering. Ask people who made a sudden change in their life 'why?' and you will often hear, that they just couldn't take it anymore. It could have been a job they were in, a relationship they had and in some instances even a country they lived in. Their situations made them feel so miserable that they had to change it, no matter how drastic. They quit their job, broke the relationship and sometimes even left the country from one day to another.

Is it wise to let situations get so out of hand that only drastic measurements can solve it? No of course it isn't and it's much wiser to prevent all this drama. But if your circumstances are such that preventing them is all water on the bridge and you feel you can't go on like this anymore, you found a really big motivator to change.

A motivation born out of discontent is one of the best stimuli to change. I sincerely hope that your status quo isn't of any nature close to what I've described above, but if it is, use your discontent then as a motivator to change and change your negative situation into a positive one.

"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD

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