The Creation of Dance
Most creations are captured and saved for many years.
As a writer captures a story in a book,
so captures a sculptor a statue in stone.
As a musician captures a song by recording it,
so captures a painter an image by painting it.
Once these creations are captured you can read them, touch them, look at them or listen to them, if you wish over and over again, but they won’t change and are there to stay.
But not a dance, this beautiful creation, this merge of body, shape and forms, rhythm and music, is not meant to be captured.
It’s meant to set free, it’s meant to be consumed at the same time when it is created. It’s meant to appear and disappear in one moment.
A dance lives for that moment and that moment only. A moment that plays all your senses as a dancer and as a spectator.
A single moment that can trigger the deepest emotions and unleash the strongest passion. All facets of life come together in that one moment.
In that one moment when the dancer becomes the dance, the dance is all there is and perhaps it is all there ever will be.
Jean Dorff
March 2009
"Be inspired and you shall inspire" ~JD
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