Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Attitude of gratitude


A few days ago I wrote about Typhoon Haiyan and the Philippines. The casualty estimates of a few hundreds were hugely understated. As we know now the number of fatalities goes probably over the ten thousands and the number of people who lost their houses and possessions will most likely exceed a million, almost incomprehensible numbers. In a few hours the life of so many people have changed in a way that I cannot fathom. If their life or house were not shattered then at least the way they had envisioned their future is. I'm sure amidst those people some must have had the same kind of dreams you or I have. It is for sure that it will take a long time before the victims of Haiyan will return to a normal life.

So the post of today has no other meaning than asking you all to support the people of the Philippines in any way you can or want and to keep them in your prayers and thoughts. (see this FB page: https://www.facebook.com/haiyantacloban)
I for one learned from this events to have more gratitude for what I have and to not take life for granted.


"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~JD

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