Did you ever do a test at school without doing your homework, in the hope that you could wing it? I have to admit I did and to be completely honest more than once. There were a few times I got away with it, but luckily for me I flunked most of the tests I didn't prepare well for. Yes, you hear me well I said luckily. Of course that's not how I felt about it at the time, then I only cared about grades and didn't care so much about the correlation between preparation and succeeding or failing.
Later I learned that people with sustained success, prepared for success; although others would often call this luck.
Benjamin Franklin said: "by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail".
When you read this you probably think duh, that's so obvious. It is indeed obvious but that doesn't make it less true, does it?
Tony Robbins said: "the meeting of opportunity with preparation generates an offspring called luck".
Yes, preparations will allow you to successfully seize opportunities, but at the same time when you start preparing, opportunities will come your way as well. So like a blacksmith forge steel you can forge your luck. For steel to be forged, you have to have the right tools and heat the steel up to above 2000 degrees fahrenheit. Forging steel looks like brute force but if you see how a Japanese sword master forges a samurai sword, you know it is a delicate process which can only be achieved with the right knowledge, skills, tools and preparation. The master knows exactly how and when to hit the steel. In the same way, your luck can be forged: know what you are aiming for, prepare well for the results you want and then boldly, without being afraid of the heat, seize the opportunity when it occurs.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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