Sunday, November 10, 2013

When she came home she said: I'm in love with David.


One day my partner in life came home from a trip to Italy she told me that she fell in love with a guy called David, she was quick to add that David was a statue made by Michelangelo.  When a few weeks later Bob Proctor in one of his audio lessons also raved about  this statue of David I had to see myself what so special was about this statue. Not long after, I had an opportunity to go to 'The Gallery of the Accedemia di Bella Arti' in Florence where David stands. He is 17 foot tall and astonishing ... he breaths majesty, perfection, nobility, power, dignity, all that and more in one sculpture. Truly if you see David you will fall in love with him, as my partner did and as I did.

There is more behind the story of the statue of David. After three failed attempts by renown sculptors to carve something out of this huge rock, it was 25 year old Michelangelo who in the year 1501 used his chisel and hammer to sculpture this beautiful piece of marvel.
But the real wonder for me lies in the fact that Michelangelo saw the beauty of David even before he started carving. He could reveal this beauty because he went on where others failed and because he looked beyond the abused surface of this slab of marble.

The lesson we can learn here is very clear: Instead of judging others and ourselves from the outside we should be like Michelangelo and see the beauty hidden inside each of us.

"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~JD

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