A few days ago, I posted 'New Year's Resolutions number I' and I promised then to give you some tips how to make you more successful in achieving your 2014 resolutions.
First of all I would like for you to take some time to think about what your New Year's resolutions for next year could be. Give it some real good thoughts, take a few days for it if you like. Once you settle for one or two, write them down in draft. Over the next few posts on this topic I will give you a number of guidelines of what the criteria are for an achievable resolution.
First, it needs to be your resolution, not someone else's, no matter how good the intention of that person is. So for example, your love ones tell you that you should exercise more and you don't really feel that you should then don't make it your resolution.
Second make it a positive resolution. So, instead of saying I want to quit smoking, write down the reasons why you want to quit smoking. For instance say, I want to lead a more healthy life and give a good example to my kids. Another example, instead of saying I want to go on a diet, say something like I want to be very fit and climb every stair with ease. Now I'm sure you can come up with better formulated resolutions than I did here, but I hope you get my point about writing it positive. Avoid negative words, like don't and no; and avoid words with a negative connotation for you, may be words like diet or work-out.
Let's start with these two guidelines and I'll follow up with some more in my later posts. So, in summary: make sure your resolution is
yours and make it very
positive with a focus on the reason and/or the result you're after.
There is power in positive thinking. David O.McKay said: "Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny", therefore a positive mind creates positive outcomes.
With that, get a pen and paper and start drafting your resolutions and I'll come back on this topics in a few days from now.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD