Monday, January 20, 2014

How to reduce stress in 6 steps


We all have faced and most likely will face stressful situations. Some people handle stress well where others are more challenged dealing with stress.

Now there are healthy and unhealthy ways to deal with stress. The unhealthy ways might reduce stress on the short term but most likely cause damage on the long run.

Unhealthy ways to reduce stress are: Smoking, Procrastinating,  Worrying, Eating too much or too little, Taking drugs, Taking it out on other people etcetera. All these ways of dealing with stress are in one way or another avoiding the situation instead of dealing with it.

More healthy ways to deal with stress are:

First of all a lot of stressful situations can probably be avoided. E.g. learn how to say no and speak what is on your mind.

Secondly see a situation for what it really is: something that we think is stressful is often blown out of proportions. Seeing a situation for what it really is put things back in perspective.

Thirdly learn to accept what cannot be changed: There are things that can't be changed, learn how to accept them.

Fourthly prepare yourself well: if you prepare yourself well, by looking at the facts, by practicing and  by learning. By preparing yourself well, you reduce hugely the uncertainty of what you are facing.

Fifthly rehearse and visualize: by going through a stressful situation ahead of time in your mind and visualizing  how you will handle the situation successfully, you can reduce the stress enormously.

Lastly some level of stress and tention keeps you allert and is often necessary to do a peak performance. Understand the difference between being too stressed and have a healthy excitement for an unknown situation.

"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD

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