When you set your goals, set them high. Don't worry whether you can achieve them or not. In fact, set them so high that you know you can't achieve them. That is to say, the current You can't.

To achieve an ambitious goal, you have to change and become the person that can and will achieve it. Your today You, will not be able to achieve it. But you can change and you have to change to reach what you want. In fact you will change no matter what. The question is, in what will you change?
So, set your goals high, so high that you are scared of them. Then make a plan to acquire the skills and to get the means you need. Finally, push your self outside your comfort zone and pursuit the changes that are necessary.
When you do all this you will see that you turn into that person that can achieve the highest set goals.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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