GIGO or Garbage In Garbage Out is a term used in computer science. When input data is of low quality (garbage in) one can only expect low quality output data (garbage out).
If this is true for computers then why would this be less true for our mind and body?

If we expect to have plenty energy and a healthy body we have to make sure that we eat and drink well and work out regularly. Processed food and being a couch potato might not fit that criteria.
We can set goals and want to perform at peak levels, physically and mentally. But if we don't fill/feed ourselves with good things (garbage in) you can only expect that you won't perform at your true potential (garbage out).
So if you make sure that you eat and drink healthy, exercise well and consume useful information (quality in) you can expect better performance physically and mentally (quality out): QIQO.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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