Many spiritual learnings agree with the saying: "You are what you think".
"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he": Proverbs 23:7
"All that we are is a result of all that we thought": Buddha
The way we process information coming through our senses is hugely influenced by our past experiences, our cultural back ground, our upbringing and our sensory preferences (e.g. visual people perceive information differently than auditive people).

It's a fact that people with more negative emotions tend to see the world around them more negative, likewise people with more positive emotions see the world more bright, remarkably enough they live in the same world.
It was perhaps not in our hands what life has put us through, but it is entirely up to us how we look at our past experiences and how we let it influence our life today and in the future.
The meaning of a situation is only the meaning we give it, it is in our hands to change this if we want to.
In other words the way we see the world is hugely if not completely depending of our state of being. Change your state of being and you change te world around you.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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