Successful people have an atypical behavior and an atypical way of thinking in many aspects. That's basically what sets them apart and ultimately make them successful.
One of the things most successful people have, is an open mind. Having an open mind is definitely something that you can learn.

Openminded people listen without judgement, they take critic really well and can weigh what people say objectively. They listen with intend and seek for understanding first, that means they really make an effort to grasp what's been said to them and that they look less for being understood.
As a result of the previous point, open minded people know that they know it all and don't pretend that they do. This makes them vulnerable and no matter how scary that may seem it puts them in the best learning position.
Because of this drive to always want to learn, openminded people are not afraid to make mistakes in fact they have experienced that a lot of learning comes from making mistakes.
Open minded understand that there is almost never an absolute truth for anything. They make a conscious effort to see things from different perspectives, which makes them also highly empathic.
Maybe one of the strongest assets openminded people have, is perhaps their ability to embrace and drive change. They adapt to change without losing sight of their goals and objectives, they have the ability to find different ways to reach what they are after.
Bottom line having an open mind comes down to letting go of control, the willingness to challenge your own beliefs and convictions, allowing yourself to experience what the world has to offer, to see new ideas and endless opportunities. Having an open mind, means letting go of judgement of others and yourself, this puts you in the seat of learning and is giving you the ability to use your unlimited potential.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD