Successful people are getting more things done in a day than most other people...
Here are 10 tips to not only do more but also do things better and smarter.
1. Start the day with a full thank of energy
This means make sure that you'll get enough sleep, eat and drink well before the day starts.
Try to get regular sleep at regular hours. Take time for your morning ritual, shower, getting dressed, breakfast. If you start your day in a hurry, you might feel hurried the rest of the day. Get up an hour earlier and you will get more done. Start the day with an hour for yourself (exercise, meditate) and your day starts of flying.
2. Make a daily to do list
Make list of the things you want (and can) achieve during the day. They can be ambitious but need to be achievable as well. Break big tasks down in smaller ones. E.g. your overall goal might be getting fitter, but that's not a daily task, so its better to say today I'll 3K run.
3. Kiss the frog
Do the tasks you have to do but least like to do first. By doing this the rest of the day will be more productive. Turn it around and you will drag everything you have to do that day.
4. Don't multitask
It's absolutely true, most people cannot multitask. Instead of thinking that you are one of the view who can, it is better to organize your work in such way that you work from task to task. You will achieve more and with higher quality.
5. Be smart with your email

6. Shut down Social Media
Limit and set specific time aside for social media, this will increase you productivity enormously. Turn off the push notifications on your phone and close social media completely on your lap top for most part of the day. Define specific moments, when you will look at social media... no more than 3 during your work day.
7. Eat well
Never deplete your energy completely. With good nutrition you can make sure that you refill your energy reserve constantly. So eat smart and regularly.
8. Exercise a lot
Especially if you have desk work, exercise multiple times during the day. Start your day with some stretching or yoga, take walks during your breaks and have a good work-out once a day or at least multiple times per week. It's not only healthy for your body and mind but it will increase your daily productivity.
9. Capture you ideas
Capture your ideas on a list or in a notebook. Write them down when have one. Note them, but look at them at them when you have time for it. It keeps your creative juice flowing but overtime you will see that among your great ideas many of them will help you to get more done during a day.
10. Look at the big picture
If you are motivated you will get more things done. Make sure that once a day you remind yourself why you do the things you are doing. Meditate over it, pray, write ... whatever suits you best, but set at least 30 minutes a day aside to be grateful for what you have and to understand where you are heading and what your goal is in life.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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