Successful people make sure they do certain things, but are also adamant to ignore certain things
The 7 don'ts of successful people
1. Don't get trapped in the past...
The past makes you what you are, but only if you don't get caught in it. The past cannot be changed, make sure your past mistakes guide you and don't define you. Successful people learn from everything they have been through, the good and the bad things, they make sure they remember the past but they don't get trapped in it.

Thinking that you can control all aspects in your life is an illusion and trying to do so is a waste of energy. Successful people know how to roll with the punches and how to adapt to constantly changing circumstances.
3. Don't let fear get the best of you ...
Most fears are completely unfounded. You know the saying anything you want is just outside your comfort zone and your comfort zone ends where fear begins. Successful people realize this well and choose to be comfortable by being uncomfortable at all times. They know that if you don't risk anything you risk everything. We all have our fears. Being successful is doing things despite your fears.
4. Don't be afraid to change ...
If you want to achieve something you need to change. Change is simply inevitable, the question is in what will you change. Successful people embrace change and envision the person they need to be in order to be successful.
5. Don't sweat the small stuff...
To be successful many things need to happen and need to be done, but that doesn't mean that you have to sweat the small stuff. Successful people won't lose focus by the small stuff they simple get them done when necessary or ignore them when possible, but they keep an eye on the big picture at all times.
6. Don't let others people judgement guide you...
Asking for advice and learning from others is a great thing, but at the end of the day it's your own judgement and intuition that should drive your decisions and actions. Don't let other people's perception of you control you, if you do, other people start to define who you are and what your actions should be. Successful people consult others, but they make sure that their decisions are not influenced by the judgement of other people.
7. Don't overthink things too much...
Making plans is a good thing even necessary if you want to achieve your goals. However overthinking your plans and next actions will stop your progression and cause you to worry too much. Successful people are people who take massive actions and if they made a wrong decision or a mistake they change it up and do it again until they reach what they aimed for.
"Be inspired and you shall inspire." ~ JD
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